
We don’t like constraints; freedom of speech is important. We won’t be corralled into banality by any one standpoint that believes another viewpoint should be silenced.


To publish outstanding work throughout the arts, introducing and encouraging voices from any part of the globe, of whatever persuasion; regardless of age, gender, race or religeon, on as wide a range of creativity as possible.  

What We Want

Often, artists are asked to consider the content of a journal or website before submitting work. We understand the reasoning, but it’s not for us. We all have preferences, but if we persuade writers to submit only work they perceive as similar in voice to ours, how much are we missing?

The only criterion is that the work sent is outstanding. Don't send anything that needs work. Examine the piece and ask yourself if it is as good as it can be. If it is, send it.


The Difference:

Most journals only accept unpublished material. We don't; we welcome published work because, for too long, work is published once and never seen again. Some may be published later in pamphlet form, or even a perfect bound book, and that's great, but often it's published once then lost. We acknowledge the first publication, but if your favourite work is only ever seen once and is an outstanding piece, then please let us see it.
