WRACK LINE: that tide mark found along a beach, where the flotsam and jetsom fold from the ocean, for the enquiring mind to sift through, wander, treasures to find.


Here, that treasure is art in all its guises, any kind: literature, music, brush, pencil, along with anything else that we feel is creative, stimulating: history, geology, archaeology, strange experiences, encounters, anything, anyone.


This Wrack Line sits in Elmet, a land in the middle of Yorkshire where the shore of the prehistoric Lake Humber lingered, along the magnesium limestone belt that seems to have been of so much importance to the ancient Brythonic tribes that settled here; people that carved from the shore, from the mysteries they found, gods and stories and dreams that though mostly lost still linger, a mystical imprint in a magical place.


Elmet, Running into the Pennines in the west, reaching over to almost York in the northeast, and flowing down to somewhere no one really knows, maybe just beyond Doncaster. It is a place of legend, elm woods, the confluence of rivers and poppy fields that scarlet the limestone meadows. Ideal for the enquiring mind.


A place to rest a while and enjoy the creative:



What we want:

Elemt may be where we lie, but we want to attract art from anywhere in the world, showcase it here, in Elmet: Poetry, short stories, essays, visual, sculpture, music. Dove-tail into this anything that interests us: ground-breaking research, ideas, ancient knowledge, prophetic knowledge, science of all kinds - that would include mainstream and the stuff usually shunned by academia - if it's exceptional, we want to show it.


So please stroll the site and seep in the essence of Elmet, trawl that Wrack Line and show us what you find.


Michael Wilkinson

Publishing Editor: winner of the 2023 erbacce prize for poetry
